Concierge Medicine

physician led concierge medicine

Our physician led concierge medicine service gives you 24/7/365 access to a physician for all of your health needs ranging from illnesses and concerns, annual physicals, preventative care, prescriptions, lab-work and recommended vaccinations.

We are dedicated to individualized relationships with our patients. We emphasize the importance of knowing you and your health history and we are available to help you when you need us. You no longer need to worry about being on hold with a call center for 20 minutes only to find out that you can’t be seen for your cold for two weeks.

Our concierge medicine physician can be reached by a simple call or text and more than often, you can be seen on the same day. 

Our process is simple. Pay an out of pocket monthly fee for access to concierge medicine.  Everything else can go through your insurance if you have. For example, if we order imaging, labwork or prescriptions, it can all be submitted through your insurance. Keep in mind, each insurance policy varies.

What is lifestyle medicine?

Imagine a healthcare system where providers have the training to help patients take better care of themselves so they don’t have to rely on multiple medications, risky procedures and expensive hospital admissions.

While much of conventional medicine focuses on treating disease, Lifestyle Medicine takes a more holistic approach. Lifestyle Medicine (LM) involves the use of evidence-based modalities, such as a predominantly whole food, plant-based diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, and avoidance of risky substance use, to prevent, treat, and potentially reverse chronic illnesses.


We promote an evidence-based plant-forward eating pattern to optimize health and decrease the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancers, strokes, and Alzheimer's disease.


Are you getting the recommended exercise dose of at least 150 minutes per week? We'll guide you on your journey to get the proper exercise that you can sustain for a lifetime.


Life is crazy, and getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep every night can be hard. We'll help you optimize your nights through sleep hygiene advice, app guidance, and screening for sleep apnea.


Stress can be overwhelming and lead to a variety of health problems. We can help show you ways to manage it with meditation, yoga, apps, and overall lifestyle modification.


Alcohol is culturally accepted, but is it safe? We'll talk about this as well as helping you stop smoking for good and providing resources for those needing more intensive help with their substance abuse issues.


Along with reducing stress and improving sleep, maintaining a happy, healthy, purpose-driven life also positively contributes to preventive health. We'll talk about your close relationships, social network, and sexual health with personalized advice.