Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Explore Sciton Laser Treatments

Revitalize Your Skin with Sciton Laser Treatments. Start with a consultation to determine which laser is right for you.

We offer the complete range of Sciton laser treatments at Inertia Concierge & Aesthetic Medicine. From Forever Young BBL to Halo and beyond, we offer a comprehensive selection of advanced solutions to address various skin concerns.

Elevate your skincare journey with our advanced providers and our Sciton lasers, tailored to meet your unique needs. For questions about what laser is best for you, always start with a consultation.

If you are a provider interested in training on Sciton lasers, please email


Say Goodbye to Unwanted Veins

ClearV by Sciton is your solution for unwanted veins. This laser treatment precisely targets and minimizes visible veins, restoring the clarity and even tone of your skin.

Reclaim smooth, vein-free skin with the advanced technology of ClearV.


Revitalize and Refresh Your Skin

Indulge in the rejuvenating benefits of ClearSilk, a Sciton laser treatment that improves skin tone, reduces redness, and promotes a smoother complexion.

Uncover the beauty of clear, silk-like skin with this non-invasive and effective solution.


As we age, the effects of sun damage and environmental pollutants take their toll on our skin, creating wrinkles and pigment irregularities, especially on our faces. Contour TRL can be very successful at reducing or eliminating these conditions, and in fact it is the best way to address the problematic lines that occur around the mouth and eyes.

Though there are several types of lasers used to perform peels, the Contour TRL is widely regarded as the safest, most effective laser available. Embrace the confidence that comes with healthier skin and a more youthful appearance. 

How does Contour TRL Work?

Contour TRL safely removes a layer of skin to a depth determined by our physicians. The depth of treatment will depend on the skin condition, your desired outcome, and expectation for downtime. Because Contour TRL can affect tissue with micron precision, your physician can treat your skin with the exact amount of energy needed – no more, no less.

Treating skin with a laser stimulates the growth of new collagen, which improves the skin’s thickness and resilience. The skin surface will also re-grow with fresh, healthy cells, which will give your skin a younger rejuvenated appearance. 

What Conditions can be Treated with Contour TRL?

Deep Wrinkles (even in difficult to treat areas like around the mouth and eyes), Scars, Solar Spots, Actinic Ketatoses, Poor Skin Tone/Texture

How many treatments will I need?

Because Contour TRL is capable of deep laser peels, excellent results are typically achieved after one treatment.

When should I expect results?

The top layer of your skin will re-grow and can be covered with makeup in about one week, at which time you will see noticeable improvements in your skin’s texture, tone and wrinkle appearance. Deeper laser treatments also stimulate the growth of new collagen over the next 4 to 6 months. During this time, the skin may show increasing improvements in tightness and resilience.

Recommended For:

Deep wrinkles, scars, pigmentation


This varies depending on the depth of the treatment. For deeper treatments, you should discuss realistic expectations for recovery with your physician.


ProFractional treats only a fraction of the skin and leaves the surrounding tissue intact, which promote rapid healing and stimulates new collagen growth.

The speed of your recovery following treatment can vary based on the treatment’s intensity, and the specific skin concerns you’re addressing – improving your skin’s tone, texture, the fine lines, deeper wrinkles, and the appearance of scars.

Performed in our office, this treatment delivers stunning results is quick, comfortable, and requires little to moderate downtime.

What is ProFractional Therapy?

ProFractional is a quick and comfortable laser procedure with little downtime, used for restoring the appearance of a healthy, youthful complexion. Stimulate collagen regrowth and reduce the appearance of a healthy, youthful complexion and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, and more. This is performed in our office and can be custom tailored to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome.

How does ProFractional Work?

ProFractional treats only a fraction of the skin and leaves the surrounding tissue intact, which promote rapid healing. The skin’s wound healing response promotes collagen growth and reorganization which adds firmness and resilience to the skin. The speed of your recovery following your ProFractional treatment can vary based on the treatment’s intensity and skin condition you’re addressing.

What is the Primary Application of ProFractional?

ProFractional is used to improve skin quality and texture. It can be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to scar revision to pigment concerns. Based on an assessment of your skin condition and cosmetic goals, your physician may choose to use ProFractional whenever a combination of resurfacing with minimal downtime is desired. (Wrinkles, Scars, & Sun Damage)

When should I expect results?

After the healing process is complete, expect your skin to appear tighter and smoother, with a greater reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and other skin imperfections. You will see initial results days after your treatment, but your skin will continue to improve over time. Most patients see continual improvement for up to 6 months after their first treatment.

ProFractional Laser Therapy Treats:

  • Mild Wrinkles
  • Deeper Wrinkles
  • Skin Texture
  • Surgical Scars
  • Acne Scars
  • Sun Damaged Skin


A NanoLaserPeel polishes dull, dry skin with minimal downtime. Using an erbium laser, a NanoLaserPeel instantly removes the topmost layer of the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other skin imperfections. It accelerates the skin’s own renewal process by activating special messenger cells.

Microdermabrasion and chemical peels often don’t get deep enough and other lasers leave a layer of heat-damaged cells that interrupt the ability of these messenger cells to communicate with deeper layers of skin. Only the NanoLaerPeel from Sciton has the precision to work at just the right depth, creating beautifully smooth, luminous skin.   

What is NLP?

NanoLaserPeel removes a thin layer of damaged skin to improve texture and provide a more youthful appearance. Known as the ‘lunchtime’ peel for its quick skin polish and short treatment time, you can receive a NanoLaserPeel on Friday and return to work Monday with rejuvenated skin. The procedure is performed in our office and can be custom tailored to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome. 

How does NLP work?

The NanoLaserPeel beam is scanned over a treatment area to remove a very thin layer of the skin. A NanoLaserPeel can be custom tailored for you and your skin, eliminating damaged skin cells that can give skin a tired, aged look. It activates messenger cells to trigger the body’s natural healing process. As the skin heals, fresh cells grow and resurface the treated area. The result is healthier- looking skin, often with reduced wrinkles and improved color evenness. Take your skin from “Tired to Vibrant”.

Recommended For:

Mild Wrinkles, Scars, Keratosis, Sun Damage/Freckels, Pigment Irregularities


Very Minimal. 1-3 hours with 1-2 days of total recovery time


What is a MicroLaserPeel?

MicroLaserPeel can turn back time like no other non-surgical technology with a dramatic reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It minimizes imperfections on the skin’s surface, such as rough texture, dullness, pore concerns, and pigment for radiant, youthful-looking skin. Removing the top layer eliminates some of the damaged cells that can give skin a tired, aged look.

As the skin heals, fresh cells grow and resurface the treated area. The result is healthier-looking skin. Patients often say that it looks like their skin went from looking tired to vibrant.

What does a MicroLaserPeel Treat?

  • Mild Wrinkles
  • Skin Texture
  • Scars
  • Keratosis
  • Sun Damage (e.g. freckles)
  • Pigment Irregularities

What areas of the body can be treated?

Most skin areas can be treated. Popular treatment areas are the face and neck, though some people also treat the chest and hands. You should discuss your needs with your physician.

How many treatments will I need?

Excellent results can be obtained in just one treatment, however the number of treatments needed may vary from patient to patient. Your physician can personalize a plan based on your specific needs and may chose to combine MicroLaserPeel with other aesthetic procedures to further personalize your treatment.

How long will it take to recover?

Depending on the depth of treatment, most patients feel comfortable enough to return to work within 3 to 4 days – an attribute that has given rise to the nickname “the weekend peel.

When should I expect results?

Because only the outer layer of skin is treated, most patients notice an obvious improvement in tone, texture and color evenness once the skin heals in approximately 3-4 days.

Broad Band Light - Forever Young BBL

As we age, our skin often shows signs of cell damage, resulting in decreased elasticity and the emergence of pigmented lesions like sun damage, age spots, cherry angiomas, redness, and lingering pigmentation from past acne.

At Inertia, we offer cutting-edge technology to address these concerns, primarily through treatments known as Forever Young BBL and Forever Clear BBL.

BBL, or Broad Band Light, is the key to these treatments. It efficiently delivers both infrared and invisible light, penetrating the skin’s dermal layer. This process visibly reduces pigmentation, stimulates collagen and elastin, and fosters healthier, more youthful-looking skin. Best of all, these treatments can be done anywhere on the body and effectively polish the skin, removing pigment, redness, veins and antiaging the skin.

At Inertia, we love BBLs so much we included them on one of our memberships.


Beautiful skin from head to toe with BBL HERO treatments

New technology advancements with the world-renowned Broadband Light (BBL), is better than ever before. BBL HERO treatments are the fastest way to treat the visible signs of aging on the body.

    Forever Body BBL treatments are a no-downtime, comfortable procedure that eliminates the visible signs of aging, such as age spots, sun spots, redness or dull-looking skin. Improving skin’s vitality anywhere on the body
  • Forever Young + BBL treatments offer the same great results for improving visible signs of aging that patients know and love… but now even better
  • Fast more comfortable treatments without downtime
  • From targeted treatments to ongoing skin maintenance, BBL HERO offers a variety of solutions patients want
  • Not all IPL(intense pulsed light) are the same

Forever Body Specific for Patients:

ForeverBody™ is the fastest way to treat pigment on arms, legs, décolleté, shoulders, and more. This no-downtime, comfortable procedure, makes it possible to eliminate pigment from sun damage, age-spots, poikiloderma, and other pigmentary problems in as little as 2 minutes! Now your body can look as great as your face; are you ready to bare it all?

How does it work?

BBL™from Sciton uses the power of light to target the pigment within the skin. Utilizing the CoolComfort handpiece, the BBL2 flashes specialized light as it is quickly moved across the treatment area. The pigment is initially darkened helping you know that you had an optimal treatment, then overtime your body’s natural healing process will remove the pigmented cells replacing with fresh new undamaged cells.

How comfortable is the treatment?

Each flash of the BL2 light produces a feeling of warmth.  Most patients easily tolerate the feeling without needing any anesthetic numbing cream. Your clinician will advise you on your treatment options.

How long does it take to see results?

This can vary depending on the individual, area being treated, and settings used. However, most patients see results in 2-4 weeks.

What is the post care?

It is important that you wear a physical barrier sunscreen, clothing and limit your sun exposure after your treatment.  Your clinician will advise you on the post treatment regimen you should follow.

How many treatments will I need?

You will see results from a single treatment; however, the number of treatments will depend on the severity of your pigment. A typical patient requires 2 or more treatments.


A Gentle Approach to Radiant Skin – Lighten, Brighten and Refresh with Moxi™!

Time to up your skin care routine… MOXI is the easy way to “prejuvenate” your skin.

Moxi is the latest way to REVITALIZE AND REFRESH your skin’s appearance by correcting uneven pigmentation and improving tone and texture.


Moxi comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to revitalize your skin by correcting the initial signs of sun damage and aging, no matter the season or your skin type. You’ll love the fact that this lunchtime procedure can fit into your active lifestyle any time of year.

People of all skin types can combat the signs of aging year-round… Get your Moxi today!

  • Fast and easy. Low-to-no downtime.
  • Comfortable treatments, may require anesthetic cream
  • SIMPLE post care, stay out of the sun
  • 24 HOURS post treatment makeup can be applied

How does it work?

Moxi delivers fractionated laser energy to create micro-coagulation zones which the body then repairs, replacing damaged cells with fresh new ones. Moxi is designed to provide tonal and textural improvements to your face with low downtime, resulting in skin renewal.

How comfortable is the treatment?

Depending on the level of treatment provided, most patients find the treatment well tolerated.  Your practitioner may use cooling air and recommend numbing cream to help ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

How long does it take to see results?

Results vary depending on your treatment goals. For the day following your treatment, your skin may appear red and, depending on your level of treatment, you may see the small micro dots called mendz where the laser was applied. As the micro zones heal, they will darken and feel rough. Between days 3-5, the mendz will slough off, revealing the renewed skin beneath.

What is the post care?

Because this is a non-ablative fractionated treatment, the post care regimen is simple. Wear a moisturizing physical sunscreen and stay out of the sun. You may wear makeup 24 hours after your treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

This will depend on your treatment goals and level of damage. Most patients receive 3-4 corrective treatments, then often will sign up for regular maintenance treatments throughout the year.

Love your skin by adding a MOXI treatment to your regular skin care maintenance routine.


Inertia announces the addition of mJoule™ to their Tampa clinic, the latest innovation by Sciton in noninvasive skin rejuvenation on face and body.

Inertia Tampa is excited to announce the mJoule as the latest addition to its growing clinic. This unique platform hosts both BBL HERO and MOXI by Sciton. MOXI is a new, non-ablative fractional laser that gently resurfaces the skin. BBL HERO leverages broadband light to rewind the signs of aging across many areas of the body. Together, this dynamic duo decreases downtime, and maximizes results for most skin types.  

The fastest, most powerful IPL in the industry

The mJoule also carries BBL HERO (High Energy Rapid Output), the fastest, most powerful IPL in the industry. BBL HERO allows practitioners to treat the entire body with four times the speed, three times the peak power, and two times the cooling capacity. The result is clearer, smoother, and younger appearing skin. BBL HERO can quickly correct vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, sun damage, and age spots.

Within as little as a single treatment, patients can reach outstanding results with minimal to non-existent downtime. 

Together, BBL HERO and MOXI on the mJoule make up the dynamic duo. mJoule is proven and loved by physicians and their patients worldwide. Patients of all nationalities are taking advantage of the latest innovation to turn back the clock on the appearance of aging skin. We are pleased to offer this efficacious technology to our patients, as we are committed to providing patients with the highest standard of care.  

We chose this technology,” states Aly, founder of Inertia Concierge & Aesthetic Medicine, “because of its combined benefits; excellent wrinkle reduction outcomes, extremely short downtimes, and greater comfort than other traditional energy-based treatments.  My patients really appreciate that the short down times get them back to their daily routine fast and they LOVE their results. Finally, with MOXI, I have an energy-based solution for my dark-skinned patients, or for those who have been exposed to sun. And with HERO, I can now offer head-to-toe results in minutes.”


Illuminate Your Skin

Introducing Sciton Halo, a revolutionary laser treatment that combines the best of ablative and non-ablative technologies to achieve unparalleled skin rejuvenation.

This hybrid fractional laser targets both the surface and deeper layers of your skin, addressing sun damage, fine lines, and uneven tone. Sciton Halo delivers remarkable results with minimal downtime, giving you a radiant complexion and a more youthful appearance.

Experience the transformative power of Sciton Halo and rediscover the glow of luminous, revitalized skin.

Schedule your consultation to embark on a journey towards radiant beauty.


What areas of the body can be treated?

The most commonly treated areas are the face and neck. Many other areas such as the chest and hands can also be treated. Sometimes laser resurfacing treatments are combined with traditional plastic surgery procedures as well additional laser treatments to further improve results. Please discuss your needs and skin goals with your physician.

Your skin will be cleaned in the treatment area and your eyes will be protected with safety shields. The physician will position the laser over the skin while a computer-guided scanner moves the laser beam in the designated treatment area. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure usually lasts 15-30 mins.

The comfort level of laser resurfacing treatments varies from patient to patient and depends largely on the depth of treatment. For shallow treatments, the procedure is well tolerated with the use of a topical anesthetic. For deeper treatments, your physician may administer a nerve block or local anesthetic.

Immediately following the treatment, you may experience redness and a sensation resembling sunburn. Swelling may also occur in the treated areas. Your physician will advise you on specific after-treatment care recommendations, which may include analgesics and application of an ointment to keep the skin moist.

Complete healing will depend largely on the depth of treatment. Healing times for shallow treatments are typically 2-4 days before patients resume normal activities. For deeper treatments, you should discuss realistic expectations for recovery with your physician.

You may be given skin care products and instructions on how to use them. Your skin will be sensitive to ultra-violet light after the procedure, so you must avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed. It is recommended that you always use some level of sun protection to avoid sun damage and premature aging of your skin.

Depending on your treatment, the top layer of your skin will re-grow and can be covered with makeup in about 2 days to 1 week, at which time you will see noticeable improvements in your skin’s texture, tone, and wrinkle appearance. Deeper laser treatments also stimulate the growth of new collagen over the next 4 to 6 months. During this time, the skin may show increasing improvements in tightness and resilience.